Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Giant Baby

I am finally getting around to posting! Yay!

I'm actually really excited to write about Madwell. I know that kids go through phases, but so far Jakers and I have felt like we sort of hit the jackpot with getting to have her in our family.

For the most part, Madwell is so sweetly tempered and brought a beautiful, peaceful feeling into our home when we brought her home from the hospital. She loves to be held and cuddled and always wants to be part of the action. She wants to eat what we eat, drink out of cups, join in story time (or try to eat the book), take baths with Emma, and play with toys. In fact, Madwell has recently earned the title "Giant Baby" during our playtime. She received this name by knocking over Emma's princess castle one night during playtime. Now all the Fisher Price Little People fear her and scream when she lifts them up and puts them into her mouth...or that's how play time goes down anyway.

Madwell is quick to laugh and, like her sister, thinks obnoxious noises and spitting are hilarious.

Unlike Emma, Madwell has no interest in watching TV. This may be because she only needs to look at Emma for constant entertainment (e.g., frequent dance shows, play time, and melt downs).

We recently celebrated her first birthday. We decided to actually throw a party (which are not really what Jakers and I excel at) but she seemed to really like the cake, so it wasn't all bad.
 We missed the Hughes clan and thought of you that day. Wished we could have celebrated Christopher's birthday with you too. We loved the pictures you posted of your kids. You have such a beautiful family and we feel blessed to know you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Sarah! Madwell is so beautiful! She is just the perfect blend of you and Jacob. I love the picture of her with her cake. I wish we could've been there with you to celebrate, but she looks incredibly happy. And the "Giant Baby" description is too funny.
