Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Just some pictures

We haven't traveled much this summer so decided to make the most out of it by finding hikes and things to do in the area. Here are some pics:

This is a family hike at Multnomah Falls last month.

This is just at home (where we have spent most of our time).
Madwell & her two teeth smile (she actually has about 6 with 3 coming in, but you can usually only see her bottom teeth).

Emma at the coast this summer.

These two are from Silver Falls. We went there over Labor Day weekend.

Emma's first day of preschool. So far she loves it. She told me that her teacher is her best friend (her best friend changes daily, but it's nice to make the list :D )

1 comment:

  1. We didn't go anywhere this summer either, and we made plans, big plans even, to hike but never made it happen. One time we spent 1 1/2 hours looking for a hiking trail though. That was fun. But you guys actually got out the door, with a baby and toddler no less. Amazing!!! You totally put us to shame! And I love all these pictures too. We love you all so much.
