Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Still can't figure out how to comment on people's blogs, so before I blog I would like to comment!

Christy - I love the activity! Emma said she wants to do that (although I don't think she is into baking like Christopher).

Dan- Thank you so much for posting those pictures. I love your attention to detail. You are truly talented. I showed them to Emma and she loved them. She is going through a pirate phase, so she's been dressing Madwell up as a pirate and herself as a "great Cowboy".

Jakers - You already have the El Guapo dance move down. I'd say you are well on your way.

So, back to my post...

A few months ago, Jakers and I went on a double date with our newly-married friends who do not yet have children. Going out with them reminded us of how different the pace was of our lives before we had kids. The moments when we were actually looking for things to do and hobbies to pursue have pasted, and our lives are filled with kids, work, cleaning, laundry (we relate to the picture Christy posted!). Movies, biking (Jakers) and running (me) are nice breaks from the daily grind.

I've been really thankful for running. Recently I became a "Pace Mentor" for a Women's Running Academy. That basically means that I pace and take women through various routes in Portland every Saturday and try not to get them lost. Some of the routes have really pretty scenery.

Most of the women in the academy are new to running and are training for either a 5K, 10K or half marathon. So far it's been a great experience and inspiring as I've met women who are dealing with serious challenges (such as lung cancer and hip dysplasia). It's also helped me reflect a lot on my blessings. Even with our pace being crazy busy these days, I'm sure I'll miss a lot of the things that are happening now.

Madwell finally cut two teeth a few days ago. And we just registered Emma for preschool. Kids grow so fast. Jakers was saying that there was a saying on his mission that "the days go by like months and the months go by like days". I think that's probably true about parenthood too :)


1 comment:

  1. Whoa, your kids are growing up way too fast! I feel like I just encountered a serious reality check. Somehow I keep thinking that they'll stay the same until I get to see them again. I'm so glad we have this blog to keep in touch with all their many happenings. I love your post, Sarah, and it's getting me motivated to start exercising more regularly again. What a cool way to get to know people, the city and be active. That's something I really admire about you and Jacob. You both have such adventurous spirits and are cardio maniacs. We're missing you extra today. Thanks for posting!
