Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Short Post

I am having a moment that almost never happens during the day-- both kids are napping at the same time! So I thought I'd write for however many glorious minutes this lasts.

I LOVED reading the spotlight on Mikey. He is so adorable and I can start to see a little more of Christy and Dan in him.

Thank you, Christy, for sharing those "crack induced" moments. As strange as it sounds to say and write, I have had some experiences as well where I feel that, through a tender mercy, the veil is very thin.  Those experiences leave me saying to myself, "did I just experience that?" which I conclude that I did because I wouldn't be asking myself that question if I had not.

I also love your idea to spotlight each of your kids. I can't wait to read more about your kids. I may have to copy your idea and spotlight both of mine as well.  But that will have to be in a future post as I'm already hearing crying coming from downstairs!

P.S. We can't wait to see you guys in May! We will have to get together and do something uber fun.

And P.S. again. Have you guys ever watched the Twilight Honest Trailer? Jacob showed it to me and it's quite funny :)

1 comment:

  1. That trailer is hysterical! And uncannily accurate. Wow. I hadn't heard of the "honest trailer" series but I see there's some for HP and others. Looks like I'll be spending some time on youtube. Thanks for the recommendation! I can always count on you guys to know the coolest stuff out there. Any good movie recommendations, while you're at it?

    I'm glad you got a few precious moments to yourself and am happy you spent the time blogging so we could hear how you're doing. And I'm glad I'm not the only one with crazy experiences since I feel funny talking about them sometimes, but like you said, you just somehow know it's real.

    I hope you do spotlight your two beautiful girls. I feel like I barely know Madwell and Emma's growing up so fast! I can't wait to see you in May although we're going to miss Jacob too much. We will need to make some fun plans, and the weather should be nice enough for us to have lots of possibilities.

    Missing you lots!
